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14 mars 2006

Toponyms Of Gharyan Area

Toponyms Of Gharyan Area
Yuritt Mmis n Nfusa

Toponyms it is a science that which study the names of the places trying through it understanding the meaning and the significant of the places names. It is a science that help us a lot for knowing many things from giving explanation to the movement of the populations, understanding the type of minerals and the nature of rocks, kind of the vegetable species of an area .
Through this article and the follows I will introduce toponyms and linguistic analysis of the names for many areas in Adrar n Nfusa ,Ghat , Murzug….etc ,from the names of the sites that I collected I can say that the most area names from valleys, water sources , mountains and Tlatiwin are an amazigh origin. It is a beginning for me hoping that I can enrich the lexicon of Tamazight.
Gharyan Area
Gharyan is part of Adrar n Nfusa 83 Km from Tripoli. People of gharyan are originally amazigh, but now they forget their mother tongue Tamazight.
Usadden : this area name the same in murrakec in the Rrif area Aït sadden: Isadden plural and singular asidd: la lumière. Le nom veut donc dire les éclaireurs ou les sages.
Tbadut : abadu means a mountain that is beside a valley or river.
Xermet As’bih’ : xermet it is Aghrem which means village.
At’il : there is talat n it’ilen in village called At-zurayit, it’ilen plural at’il singular means dove .
Tbadut area :-
Rajju: this name exists also in adrar awras RaJJou, nom de lieu (Ouled Daoud - Aith Daoud)*
Titelt : from note book of the Ameghnas Soid Sifaw he said that the word itel is an old verb which means middle of a thing so titelt will give the meaning village in the middle of Tbadut also there is another meaning it can be from itel it is kind of olive tree may be it is village where titelt olive tree originally.
Imsuffin: analysis the Asgwet word and return it to Asuf Amsuf which means who inhabits in the valley, Suf means valley, Am+ s ,Am comes some times in the begin
of the word giving the meaning either place of or amyag n igay eg.Amnay,Amekraz..etc or gives meaning after adding to it the word who inhabit or belongs to e.g. Amsebrid, Am+s+brid means who is traveler ,Amsedrar, Am+s+drar means who is mountaineer …etc so we can analysis the word Amsuf, Am+s+suf = Am+suf means who lives in the valley.
Gwasem Area :-
Tamezgida: this area is so large in Gwasem village, tamezgid means place of worship.
Tasekla-tisekla: some they call it tasekla and the other call it tisekla but tasekla is singular to word tisekla which means kind of eagles**
Kamur: this name is a mountain where caves all of it ,they say that long time ago people lived their, they call them people of kamur. Kamur means store or place to hid
Tiri: root of the word is iri which gives meaning of love , there is a talat n tiri in tmurt Jadu they say it means the place of love.
Tamidult: means the stores.
Tamellul-Tamellult: some they pronounce it tamellul & tamellult it gives the same meaning the white peak (mountain).
Fella: means hill, there is tribe called werfella = wer+fella people of the hill.
Tagnunni: it is name of best kind of dates.
Mangaot l-biba : mangaot means spot of water like lake , l-biba it is Abiba it means the Mosquito. it is the place where mosquito’s gather their.
Wadi rbao:-
Akrus: this place where two mountains get together at the end, so Akrus means node, tie.
Welyuc isul

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