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22 mai 2007

Autre liste de prénoms imazighen


To The user:
This list is by no means exhaustive, nor final. ACAA's goal is to transcribe all of those lost names and provide them to anyone who is interested. It appears already that there is need for it, because 2 or 3 couples have already used it to pick names for their babies. Please, if you find any mistakes, or have any suggestions or do not agree with the given meanings, let us know by sending email to:  Note: The names are written using the modern Amazigh alphabet. The spelling tries to follow the most correct pronunciation. This notation is followed by that in usage on Amazigh-Net. (created due to keyboard and font limitations).

Icawi: Icawiyen/Shawi/Chaoui
Imuca: Imucagh//Tuareg/Touareg
Leqba: Leqbayel/Kabyle/Kabyle
Ta<r : Ta<r'abt/Arabic/Arabe
Talat: Talatinit/Latin/Latin
O.S/O.O: Original Spelling/Ortographe Original
(?): Definition may be wrong/Definition peut etre fausse


ADJAN [1]  A<DUDA  [1]
A<LDJA : (Leqbayel) A doll/Poupée. Ta<eldjets (note: some give the meaning of Perle /Certains donne le sens: Perle) A<LDJIYA: See/Voir: A<LDJA AAZZI: Igragren [O.S./O.O] Arabic rootRacine Arabe
A<zizet: Dear/Chere. AM AMgNNA [1] ANYA: Imuca "my brother" in Tamaceght/"Mon frere" en Tamaceght [Chaker]. in publi. by Imedyazen). It probably means educated woman. Other possibility: may be the Amazighized (altered) Latin name: Anne, or Annie, Annette (?), etc. There are actually a number of Amazigho-Latin names: see R'uza (Rose), Lwiza (Louise). 


BAKKA: [Icawi] (?) [D. Abdessemed] BIBYA: [Icawi] (?) may be a dimunitive of another name D. abdessemed BGHNAT


CABH'A: [Leqba](pronounce shabh'a). Beautiful/Belle. CUCA: (?)[pronounce Shusha.This may be a different pronounciation of the Kabyle SUSA/Peut etre une differente prononciation du SUSA Kabyle.


DASSIN: [Imuca] An Amazigh queen of the desert (Known to the Tuaregs)/ Reine Amazigh du Desert (connue des legendes Touaregues). [1] DIHYA: [Icawi] The Amazigh name of the famous Kahina /Le nom de la celebre reine Amazigh connue sous le nom de Kahina  DIMYA: [Icaw]Given by some authors as the name of/Donne par certains auteurs comme le nom de: DIHYA (ie KAHINA)[D. Abdessemed] D'R'IFA: [Leqba] gentil, tender/gentille, douce.[1] Edza: (Morocco) Faith/Foie 

FAGHISSA: [1] FARIZA: Particular (meaning the best) sets itself out/ Particuliere meilleure, remarquable.[1] FEDADA: [1] FER'R'UDJA: [Leqba] Young partridge/Perdreau. [1]


GEDDUDA:[Icenwi] [O.S/O.O]: GEDDOUDA. Same as/Meme que MEGDUDA (?) [5] GHIDA: (?) GHNIMA: [Leqba][GHENIMA] "Roseau". Refers to a tall girl. Also in Kabyle 'roseau" is used to mean: fragile, tender. See GHANIM for a boy/Femme/fille de grande taille. En Kabyle roseau est utilise pour signifier: fragile, tendre. GWEJDA: [1]

H'EDDA: (?)

IZA: (?) Same as/Meme que: WIZA. See/Voir WIZA. [D. Abdessemed]

JDIRA: [1]JEDDJIGA: [Leqba] Flower/Fleur. [1]

KAHINA: <Ta<r> See/Voir: DIHYA. [1] KANIMANA:[1]KELLA:[1]KENWA:[1]KISA: (?) Same as/ Meme que: KAYSA KULLA: [1] & [6]


LALLA: [Leqba] Lady, Mistress/Dame, Maitresse. [1] LAYSA: (?) Root/Racine: AYS Impatient /Impatient. [1] LUMSI: [Imuca]/Iwelemmiden. [LOUMSY] [2]. Note: Does not sound feminin/ Ne semble pas du feminin. LUNDJA: [Leqba] LUNDJA is present in many Amazigh folk stories as/est presente dans nombreux contes Kabyles comme: TERYEL: Ogresse LWIZA: <Talat> [LOUISA, LOUIZA]. More Amazighized/Plus Amzighise: See/ Voir: WIZA. LYAQUT: [Leqba] [6]


MADELE: [Imuca] [O.S/O.O] [Tahir, France] MANNET: [Imuca] [O.R/O.O] [Tahir, France] MASSA: Madam, lady, mistress/Madame, Dame, Maitresse. [1] MEGDUDA: Root/Recine GDD : Masses (people)/Masse (populaires), peuple[1] MELLILA: White/Blanche. See/Voir: TAMELLALT. [1] MENZA: Root/Racine: MNZ, first/premiere. [1] MERNISSA: [1] MUNI: [Icawi] May be of latin origin/Peut etre d'origine latine [D.Abdessemed] MYASSA: [1]


NANNA: [Leqba] The generic nanna in Kabyle means the elder, the wiser, etc. Within the family, the kids call their elder sister or aunt/. Le terme commun Nanna en Kabyle veut dire l'ainee, la plus sage (plus d'experience) etc. Les enfants de la meme famille appelent leur tante ou bien la soeur ainee: NANNA. [1]

RANDJA: (?) RULA:(find meaning in Tacawit?) [D. Abdessemed] R'UZA: <Talat> Rose/Rose. Enetered Amazigh through Romans (?)

SEKKURA: [Leqba] See/Voir TASEKKURT: female partridge/Perdrix (femelle)[1] SILYA: [1] SUSAA: (?) Same as/Meme que CUCA (shusha)


TADLA: Known meaning is: Botte d'epis (de ble ou d'orge). It relates then either to the shape or the goodness. [1] TADMUT: [1] TAFAT: The light/La lumiere. See also/Voir aussi: TFIT TAFRARA: Dawn/Aube TAFSUT: Spring/Printemps TAJEDDJIGT: [Leqba] See/Voir JEDDJIGA: Flower/Fleur. TAKLIT: [Leqba] Slave/Esclave (fem.) TALALIT: Birth/Naissance Ref. ? TALJAT: [Imuca], Like/Comme (?)[Leqba] TA<ELDJETS: Doll/Poupee. The sound TT, in certain cases becomes TS in Kabyle/Le son TT devient dans certains cas TS en Kabyle. [Tahir, France] TAMALLAT: [Imuca], TAMELLALT [Leqba]: The white/La Blanche. Masc. AMELLAL [Tahir, France] TAMAZ'UZT: [Leqba] The youngest one/La plus jeune. Root/Racine TEMZI: Youth  TAMEMT: Honey/Miel. [1] TAMILLA: in French it's tourterelle. Bird that has a light brown color, and has a size slightly smaller than a partridge. Nests in the grass in Spring time (common in Kabylia). Newman gives: Dove for Tamilla. It's wrong/Tourterelle. [1] TAMIMUNT: [1]TAMRUST: [1]TANEST: [1] TANINNA: Another bird of prey/Type de vautour. [1] TARIWELT: [Imuca]/Iwlemminden. [O.S/O.O: TARIOUELT] [2] TASA: liver/foie. In Kabyle Tasa has the meaning of love, caring etc. In Amazigh, tasa and ul (liver and heart) are both used to describe feelings, tenderness, etc/ En Kabyle Tasa a le sens d'amour, d'amitie et d'attachement. [1] TASA<DIT: <Ta<r> [Leqba] Arabic Root/Racine Arabe: SAAD: Happiness/Bonheur TASEKKURT: [Leqba] female partridge/perdrix. See/Voir: SEKKURA TATI: (?) Could be arabic. from Fatima (?) [1] T'AWES: (Taos) Taos is an arabic name. It means Peacock (paon in French) TAWNAT:[1] TAYYURT: [Leqba] Moon/Lune [1] TAYRI: Love/Amour [Ref.?] TAZDAYT: [Leqba] Palm tree/Palmier. TAZDAYT is portrayed as tall and beautiful/TAZDAYT est vue comme grande et belle. [1] TAZIRIT:[Iggargren]. Small moon/Petite lune [3] TELLA: Root ili=to be. therefore tella= she 'be'=She exists (?) [1] TFIT: <Teggargrent>[Ref.] Ouargla. Given as "sun" by author. We believe that the meaning is rather: light. So TFIT=TAFAT. See TAFAT.b TIGMI: Growth/ Croissance [1] TIKINAS: [1] TILELLI: [Leqba] Freedom/Liberte. [1] TIMELLET : [Imuca] TS-TSAMELLALT [Leqba]. White/Blanche. [Tahir, France] TIMMI: (?) eyebrows? Unlikely [1] TINHINAN: [Imuca] An Amazigh legendary woman from the south-east Saha "national monument"/ Une femme legendaire du sud-est du Sahara algerien. Elle etait une femme genereuse qui aidait ceux qui passaient par son oasis. A present elle est toujours veneree par les Imucagh et sa tombe qui est visitee est devenue un site protege. [1] TINZERT: Nose/Nez. Tinzert in kabyle means honor. It is also said/On dit aussi NNIF (arabic/arabe). [1] TISENT: Salt/Sel. Among the Kabyles it is sometimes said that: taqcict agi temleh' (a girl is salty) to mean that she is beautiful/Chez les Kabyles on dit parfois que: taqcict temleh' (une fille est salee) pour dire qu'elle est jolie. [1] TISLIT: Bride/Mariee. TITBIRT: female pigeon/femelle du pigeon. [1] TITRIT: Star/Etoile. [1] TITEM: Possible meanings similar t diminutifs de: FATIMA <Ta<r>. May also be related to the Amazigh root/Peut etre lie a la racine Amazigh: TIM: protec. [1] Other spelling/Autre orthographe: T'ITEM ([6]). TIZEMT: Lioness/Lionne [1]. TIZIRI: [Leqba] Moonlight/Clair de lune [1] TRIYA: [1] TUH'R'ICT : <Taqb> [Ref.] Clever/Intelligente, rusee. TUREGHT: Golden, Blonde/Doree, Blonde. (uregh=gold/or). [1]


WEZNA:[O.S/O.O]: Ouezna] Balanced, nicely shaped etc./Equilibree, bien formee. WIZA: <Talat> [Leqba] Gold/ Or (comes from/vient de: Louis d'or). Treasure/Tresor. See also/Voir aussi:LWIZA WNISSA:(?)EWNIS, as the as the latter may have been LEWNIS, ie WNISS auquel l'article latin ou arabe a ete rajoute. WRINA:[Imuca] Iwlemmiden. Also/Aussi: WERINA [2]


ZAMRA: Probable root ZMR: to be able, capable. Zmer=can [1] ZAWGHA: Red. Azewwagh or in Kabyle (ww-->gg) Azeggwagh=red [1] ZIBBA: Sounds like/Sonne comme: TAZIBBA: Jewel worn as a crown among the Kabyles/Bijou porte comme une couronne chez les Kabyles. ZILGUM: [1]&[6]ZUNAGHA: [1] ZWIRA: Root/Racine: ZWR. To come first/Etre premier.[1] ZWINA: (?)Z'IDANT: Sweet/Sucree, succulente. [1]Z'ERGHA:[1] 



ABAYGHUR: [Imuca] (?) [Tahir, France] ABAKADA: [1]ABAZZA: [1]ABIDIN: [1] ACKU: [Imuca] Little servant. Petit serviteur [Tahir, France] (?) Also means/Veut dire aussi: Because/parce que (Tacelh'it) ADAL: [Imuca] Tiger/Tigre [Ref. Tahir, Fr.] ADAL means in/Veut dire en: Kabyle: Algue/ Algue. AYRAD & AGHILAS are used for/sont utilises pour: tiger/tigre. ADERGAZUZ: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. O.S./O.O: ADERGAZOZ [2] ADRIR: [1] ADUM: [Imuca]/Iwelemmiden. [ADOUM] [2]AGDUN: [1] ADMER: (?) Chest/Poitrine [1] AFAGHIS: [1] AFALKU: Falcon/Faucon [Ref.?] AFALAWAS: [Imuca] Smiling/Souriant. Might be constructed from two roots/ Peut etre construit a partir de 2 racines: AF: to find/ trouver ALWAS: ? [Tahir, France] AFELLAN: [Imuca] Savage/Sauvage [Tahir, France] AGAMA: [1]AGELLID: King/Roi AGDADA: [Imuca] Iwlemminden. [2]AGGUR: Moon/Lune. See/Voir AYYUR AGHALI: [Imuca] Iwlemminden. [ORIGINAL SPELLING] [2] AGHILAS: [Leqba] Panther/Panthere (masculin en Kabyle) AGHECHER: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] AHAMATU: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] AKATELAJI: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] AKORAKOR: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] AMMA: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] ANNABER: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [O.S/O.O] also/aussi: ENNEBER, ENNESBEK [2] AYTAREL: [Imuca] Ihaggaren. [AITAREL] (Ayt'arel ?) Name of an Ahaggar pretendent to th the 1880s. He fought the french occupation of the desert mercilessly/Nom d'un pretendant au titre d'Amenoukal du Hoggar. A combattu les Francais durant les annees 1880. [4] AJDIR: [1] AJEDER: [Imuca] Same as/Meme que: IGIDER: Eagle/Aigle [Tahir, France] AKADAY: [1] AKAWEL: [Imuca] The black/Le noir [Tahir, France]. Same as/Meme que: AKLI The difference is due to a metathese/Difference due a une metathese (?) AKLI: [Leqba] Slave/Esclave [1] given so that the child will survive. AKZER: [1] Check sp. [AQZER] AKUTLA: [1] AMASTAN: [Imuca] Emmerdeur (?) See/Voir MASTAN [Tahir France] Known meanig/Sens connu: Protector/Protecteur AMATTAKEN: [Imuca] Something small/ Quelque chose de petit [Tahir,France] AMAWAL: [Imuca] Neologism used to mean Dictionary AM;AWAL,AWAL= word prefix AM makes the subject active: to mean it gives or it contain words. Well, if there is any other meaning, it cer-tainly has to do with: AWAL: word, speech etc... (?) AMAYAS: [1] AMELLAL: The White (Le Blanc) AMENZU: [Leqba] The First/Le premier [Ref.?] AMGHAR: [Imuca] See/Voir: IMMEGHAR AMULAS: [Imuca] Pale/Pale (visage pale) [Ref.?] AMAZ'UZ': [Leqba] Youngest/Plus jeune. fem: Tamaz'uz't [] AMDEGH: [1] AMENNAY: Knight/Cavalier AMRAY: [1] AMRI: Seems to be derived from the same root as AMRUS. The closest but unlikely meaning found is in the word AMRAA= persona non grata. [1] AMRUS: [1] AMMUC: [1] AMUD: [1]ANABA: [1] ANTAKEN: See/Voir AMATTAKEN. altered. [Tahir. Fr.] ANWA: [1] ARAS: Brunet/Brun (as found in tall dark and handsome?) [Ref.?] ASARU: A tall handsome man/Beau et de grande taille [Ref.?] ASIREM: Hope/Espoir. [Ref.?] ATISSI: [1] AWDIA: [1] AWINAGH: [Imuca] One who has blue eyes/Qui a des yeux bleus See/Voir: AZERWAL [Ref.?] AWLAGH: [Imuca] Azawagh. Little rabbit, petit lapin. [Tahir, Fr.] AWRAGH: [Imuca] Azawagh. Yellow, golden/jaune, or. [Tahir, Fr.] AXAMUK: Current leader of the Ahaggar Tuaregs/Leader actuel des Touaregs de l'Ahaggar. [1] AYUBA: [Imuca]/ Iwelemmiden. [AYOUBA].Probably YUBA, JUBA. Voir YUBA, JUBA [2] AZEGGAGH: [Imuca] Azawagh. Red/Rouge [Tahir, Fr.] AZ'AR: Root/Racine [1]AZ'REGH: [1]

BADDA: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] BEDDIS: [1]BERKAN: Dark/Black [1] BEZZ'I: In some areas of Kabylia, it is used as the dimunitive of/Dans certaines regions de BR'IR'UC: Closest roots/Racines: YEBRIR (April/Avril) or ABRURI (hail/grele). [Ref.?] BUXTUC: [1]

DALI: [1]

FELLA: [1] FIRHUN: [Imuca] Iwlemmiden. O.S/O.O: FIRHOUN: Pharao/Pharaon (?) [2] FIRMUS: [1] FRAWSEN: [1]

GAYA: Masinissa's father/Pere de Massinissa [8] GHANIM: Reed/Roseau. In Kabyle used to describe a tall person/ Utilise en Kabyle pour decrire une personne de grande taille. See/Voir:GHENIMA. [1] GHAYSUN: [1] GHUMER: [1] GILDUN: [O.S./O.O] GILDON. Brother of/Frere de: FIRMUS [1] & [8] GULUSSA: [GULUSSAN ?] Son of Masinissa/Fils de Massinissa [8]

HIBA: [1] HIMMI: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] HOTHA: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. [O.S/O.O] [2] H'EMMU: [Leqba] Arabic root/Racine Arabe: H'EMMUC: See/Voir: H'EMMU


IBIZA: [1] ICCAAM: [Imuca] Iwlemminden. O.S/O.O:ICHCHAAM. Arabic/Arabe: HICHAM (?)[2] IDIR: [Leqba] See/Voir YIDIR. IDDER: Root/Racine: DDR=To live, alive/Vivre, vivant. See/Voir: YIDIR.[1] IFNI: [1] IFSER: [1] IFTEN: Roots/Racines: IF=to be better than/Etre meilleur que, TEN=them /eux. [1] IGHLAS: [Imuca] to save, sauvegarde [Tahir, Fr.] IGHLAF: [Imuca] Well protected/ bien garde [Tahir, Fr.] IGIDER: Eagle/Aigle [Ref.?] IGMI: Root/Racine: GM=Bud/Bourgeon. [1] IHER: Lion/Lion [Ref.?] IKEN: Twin/Jumeau. Pl: Akniwen. Probable meaning/sens probable: fellow/ compagnon. [1] ILYAS: [1] IMMEGHAR: [Imuca] He's great (big). Root MQR. As used for a spiritual leader) AMGHAR. Note Ameqran is an adjective. Meqqer is the past form of verb IMGHUR to grow, to get great or big etc. Note also the tansformation of "Q" into "GH" [1] IMMEL: [1] IRATEN: Rootsieved to be/Suppose etre une contraction de IRNA: he beat, he's/il a battu, il est superieur a. TEN: them/Eux. (?) [1] IRGEN: Colsest root/Racine la plus proche: ARGAN [1] ISLI: Groom/Marie [Ref.?] ISSAM: [1] ITBIR: Pigeon/Pigeon [Ref.?] ITRI: Star/Etoile (masc. en Amazigh) [Ref.?] IT'IJ: Sun/Soleil [Ref.?] IXFENSEN: Roots/Racines: IXF=top, head/Tete, sommet. NSEN=of them/d'eux, a eux. Leader/chef ? [1] IXZI: [Imuca] Iwlemminden [IKHEZI] [2][2]


KAWSEN: [Imuca] Iwellemiden. [1]. In/Dans: [2] as/comme: KAOUSSEN KADIDU: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. O.S/O.O: KADIDOU. [2] KARIDENNA: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. Also/Aussi: KARI-DENNA. [2] KENAN: [Imuca] (?)[1] Root/Racine: ANNAN: to be educated/etre eduque.[1] KERAJA:[1]  KUSSIL: Amazigh Army Commander, known also as/Chef des arm arabes et tue: OKBA IBN NAFI [1]


LAWEYE: [Imuca] Iwellemmiden. [LAOUEY]. [O.S./O.O] [2] LEWNIS:[Leqba] (?) Most probably Arabic/Tres probablement Arabe. Masc.(?):UNISSA. LWENNAS: [Leqba] See/Voir: LEWNIS


MADIDU:[Imuca] Iwellemiden. O.S/O.O: MADIDOU [2] MAGSEN:[1] MALU:See/Voir MULA [1] MANGELLAT: [1]  MASGABA: Son of/Fils de: MASINISSA [8] MASMUD: MAS:Master, mister/Maitre + MUD: ...[1]  MASNSEN:Amazigh king/Roi Amazigh (Numidia/Numidie). MAS:Master, mister/ Maitre + NSEN: of them/d'eux, a eux. This is the only known etymology of this name/Il s'agit de la seule etymologie connue de ce nom. Too many Amazigh names from the Roman times have survived but only in their Roman transcription. <Talat: MASINISSA. Inscriptions of Dougga, Tunisia>. [8] uses/ utilise: MASINISAN. MASTAN: Root/Racine: MSTN: To protect, defend/Proteger, defendre. See/Voir: AMASTAN. [1] MASSIN: MAS=Master, mister/Maitre + SIN=...[Ref.?] MAZER: [MEUZER] Root/Racine: ZWR: First/Premier.(?). See/Voir: AMEZWARU. [Ref.?] MAZIGH: Believed to be the ancestor of/Ancetre des: IMAZIGHEN (pl.)[1] MAZIBA: [MAZIPA]. Most probably the Amazigh version o the name of the MEDDUR: Contains the root: DDR= to live, alive. MEJDAN: MEKSA: (or Ameksa) Shepherd MELLAL: White MENNAC: MENNAD: MENZU: The first. Prime, primary MEQ'RAN: (Mokrane). Amq'wran (Amokrane)= The great one. More correct notation in Amazigh is: MEQ'WRAN. MEZWAR: Has the root: ZWR= to be first. AMEZWARU=the first one MEZ'IAN: In Berber: Mez'yan / Amez'yan (Meziane/Ameziane). (means: Young, little MIMUM: Probably Arabic. Root AMEN:to believe. MA:MUN ??? MISAGENES: Son of Masinissa MULA: Probable root: from AMALU, pl. IMULA. Amalu=Shady side, West MUH'END: [Leqba] [Icenwi] MOHAMED [5] MUH'UC: [Leqba] [Icenwi] Diminutive of/ Diminutif de MUHEND, MOHAMED [5] OUKESSON: <Tamac> Iwlemminden. [original spelling], [ortographe original] R'AKIBUM: <Tamac> Iwlemminden. [RAKIBOUM]. It is hard to conclude that this name is Amazigh. Difficile de conclure que ce nom estAmazigh. [Ref.


NGUNA: [Imuca] Iwlemmiden. O.S/O.O: N'GOUNA [2]


SALLA: [1]SAMMER: Closest root/Racine la plus rpoche: SAMMAR= South/Sud [1] SEGHADA: [1] SEKLA: [1] SIFAL: [1] SIFAKS: (latin spelling: SIPHAX). Amazigh King [1] & [8] SUGGUT: [1] TABAT: Dihya's (Kahina) father (found in Le voile du silence by Djouhra Abouda)


TAKFARINAS: (original name was probably: takfren or close to that, do not know the meaning yet.) T'AR'IQ The Berber General (Commander) and hero who first conquered Spain. T'ar'iq Ibn Ziad (It is been said this is not his real name). TAFFOUNNOUT, TEGAMA, TILJAD


UGDADA: <Tamac> [Ref.] Iwlemmiden [Mali, Niger]. Originally spelled OGDADA. UKSEM: UKESS'UN: <Tamac> OUKESSON [Ref.] Iwlemmiden. Spelling may be wrong Other probable spelling: UQESSUN. ULT'AC: URDIGHIS: UREGH: (most likely: AWRAGH)= Yellow. But really means: Gold or Golden URTILAN:UR: negation + TILAN= who possesses. Means not owned by anyone.It also means in Kabyle: We don't know where he comes from. URYAGHEL: URZ'IG: Bitter UZMIR: Capable, the capable one, powerful.

WANKEGH: WATT'AS: We have the root: AT'AS: =A lot. Large quantity, plethora. WAYAASI: <Tamac> Iwlemminden. [original spelling]

XAMIDA: <Tamac> Iwlemmiden [KHAMIDA]. It seems to have the arabic root HMD (as in HAMID). Name has a feminin sound/Contient la racine HMD comme dans HAMID. Nom a consonance feminine.


YAGHMURASEN: Probably and etymologically: YUGH AMUR NNSEN (he bought their part YANNI: Contains the root ANNI= to see YEFTEN: Probably of: YF=yif or to be better than & TEN=them Same as IFTEN. YEH'LEM: YELLEL: Root: Illil=to be free YIDIR: See above YILIYEN: YUGERTEN: [YUGURTEN] < Talat: Jugurtha> Amazigh king/Roi Amazigh [1] [8] YUNES: Probably has the same root as LUNIS or LWENNAS etc. These names are however very popular in Kabylia. YUBA: Amazigh king/Roi Amazigh. YUBA I: son of/fils de: HIEMPSAL (son of/fils de: GULA) fought the Romans/combatit les Romains. <Talat: JUBA> [8] YUB: [Imuca] Iwulleminden. Probably the same as JUBA, YUBA. Maybe same as arabic YUB.

ZAYAR: ZEGGAN: Probably from the root: ZG, izga: is permanent, perrenial, constant. ZER'WAL: Azerwal= blond. Amawal by Mammeri gives: Blue for Zer'wal. By extension, then it means person with blue eyes, which some people refer to as blond (Shawia) ZIGZA: Root: ZGZ=Green Z'EFFUN: Z'I Sweet/sucre, succulent. [1]

Comments on Amazigh names by Tahir (France)

ATES : <Tamac> Tree, arbre. This sounds masculin rather ???
(Src: Tahir, Fr.)AGAR : <Tamac> Tree, arbre. same as above name !! NINS : <Tamac> ???


Amazigh Names List prepared by the Academie Berbere, Paris.
Keletigui Mariko, Les Touaregs Ouelleminden (les fils des grandes tentes), Editions : Karthala, 1984.
Delheure, Jean, Contes et legendes Berberes de Ouargla   Editions : la Boite a Documents, Paris, 1989
Porch, Douglas, The Conquest of the Sahara,
Laoust, Emile, Dialecte Berbere du Chenoua, Paris, Ernest Leroux ?
Mezdad, Amar, Tafunast Igujilen, Amar Mezdad 199?
Dessommes, Francois, Notes sur l'histoire des Kabylies, TIRA 1992.
Gaid, Mouloud, Aguellids Berberes et Romains, OPU, 199?


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